North Yorkshire Bible Rallies

Northallerton Evangelical Church

North Yorkshire


at 7.45pm

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Session 2023-2024

Mark Fisher (13 Jun) 1 Cor 1:18-31 - Christ the power and the wisdom of God

Andrew Hill (9 May) Luke 4:14-30 - Jesus Rejected at Nazareth

Rob Parson (11 Apr 2024) 1 Pet 3:1-7 - A meek and quiet spirit is precious in the sight of God

Matthew Seymour (14 Mar 2024) Phil 1:27-30 - Let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ

Chris Hand (8 Feb 2024) 2 Cor 6:1-10 - Paradox between earthly situation and spiritual reality

Mick Lockwood (11 Jan 2024) Rev 1 - The Lord is coming - our time is short

David Campbell (7 Dec 2023) Luke 11:5-13 - Pray persistently for still more of the Holy Spirit

James Leverton (9 Nov 2023) Job 28 - God’s Wisdom Is found through faith in Jesus Christ

Kevin Bidwell (12 Oct 2023) Num 13:1-16 & others - Caleb followed the LORD wholeheartedly

Session 2022-2023
Willie Horsburgh (8 Jun 2023) Is 66 - The meek shall inherit the earth

Wes Johnston (11 May) Psalm 8 & Heb 2:5-11 - The unique place of man in God’s creation

Stephen Rees (13 Apr 2023) 1 Thes 4:13-5:11 - Jesus Christ is going to return

David Finnie (9 Mar 2023) Exodus 1- God is Faithful (over Time; in Trouble; facing Tyranny)

Gary Brady (9 Feb 2023) Prov 22:17-23:18 - Be resolved to be zealous for the fear of the LORD

Ken Stone (15 Jan 2023) Judges 6:1-27 -How and why the Lord used Gideon

Jonathan Bayes (8 Dec 2022) John 1:1-14 -Pray to the Father in the name of Jesus Christ”

Mostyn Roberts (10 Nov 2022) Luke 4:14-30

Graham Heaps (13 Oct 2022) Psalm 139 -God knows me and cares for me

Session 2021-2022

John Mollitt (9 Jun 2022) Acts 17:16-34 -Preaching in and to a secular society”

Matt Francis (12 May 2022) John 20 -Stop doubting and believe

Donald John MacLean (7 Apr 2022) Jonah 4 -The Triumph of Grace

Paul Smith (10 Mar 2022) Eph 1:15-23 -The incomparable power of Christ

Roger Fay (10 Feb 2022) Gen 15 -Covenant & Covenant Loyalty

George Curry (13 Jan 2022) Rom 5:16-17

             - “Grace &  gift  through the one man Jesus Christ”

Prof. Andy McIntosh (9 Dec 2021) Col 1:9-20 & 2 Pet 3:1-13

            - “Creation, the Cross and the End of all things”

Video: click here to goto play or download page  

Audio: left click to play or right click to download

Note from Andy: This recording includes a new section towards the end concerning the

Creation of the ‘expanse’ and the stars  and the ‘end of all things’ when the Saviour returns.

If you would like to watch a similar meeting held via Zoom at St Andrew’s Evangelical Church

in York - here is a link to the video recording on their web site (nb it does not cover the new section concerning ‘the end of all things’):

Jonathan Wilson (11 Nov 2021) Psalm 80 - “Praying for Revival”

Conrad Pomeroy (7 Oct 2021) Song of Solomon 5:2-6:3 - “He is altogether lovely”

Session 2019-2020

Gareth Crossley (Mar 12th 2020) Heb 12:1-17

Colin Macleod (Feb 13th 2020) Rev 6

Stephen Emmott (Jan 9th 2020) Proverbs 21

Richard Turner (Dec 12th 2019) Luke 1:5-25 & 59-80

Gwynne Evans (Nov 14th 2019) Zechariah 8:1-17

Tim Mills (Oct 10th 2019) Joshua 24:1-30

Session 2018-2019

David Campbell (June 13th) Gen 18:1-15

Phil Arthur (May 9th 2019) Rev21:9 - 22:5

Spencer Cunnah (Apr 11th 2019) Mark 6:45-56

Richard Brooks (Mar 14th 2019) Song of Songs 3:1-5 & 5:2-8

Bill James (Feb 14th 2019) Ecclesiastes 1

Willie Horsburgh (Jan 10th 2019) Heb 12

Glyn Williams (Dec 13th 2018) Heb 10:1-12

David Magowan (Nov 8th 2018) 1 Tim 3:1-5, 10-17  “Defending The Faith in Britain today”

Dave Harding (Oct 11th 2018) 1 Cor 1:17 - 2:5    

Session 2017-2018

Andrew Swanson (June 14th 2018)

David Leach (May 10th 2018)

Stephen Rees (April 12th 2018)

David Larmour (Mar 8th 2018)

John Harris (Feb 8th 2018)

Tony Hutter (Jan 11th 2018)

Dennis Hill (Dec 7th 2017)

Robert Strivens (Nov 9th 2017)

Bill Bygroves (Oct 12th 2017)

Session 2016-2017

Peter Williams (June 8th 2017)

Jeremy Walker (May 11th 2017)

Kenny Stewart (April 6th2017)

Iain Clements (Mar 9th 2017)

Daniel Grimwade (Feb 9th 2017)

Wes Johnson (Jan 12th 2017)

Phil Baiden (Dec 8th 2016)

Joe Cresswell (Nov 10th 2016)

Bill Schweitzer (Oct 13th 2016)

Session 2015-2016

Tim Mills (May 12th 2016)

James Day (April 14th 2016)

Mostyn Roberts (Mar 10th 2016)

kevin Bidwell (Feb 11th 2016)

John Mollitt (Jan 14th 2016)

Peter Robinson (Dec 10th 2015)

Mark Fisher (Nov 12th 2015)

Session 2014-2015

Iain D Campbell (June 11th 2015)

David Levell (May 14th 2015)

Ben Hutton (April 16th 2015)

Malcolm Peters (Mar 12th 2015)

Gareth Crossley (Feb 12th 2015)

John Harris (Jan 8th 2015)

Bill Dyer (Dec 4th 2014)

Ed Collier (Nov 13th 2014)

Tony Simpson (Oct 9th 2014)

Session 2013-2014

Graham Heaps (June 12th 2014)

Nick Needham (May 8th 2014)

Richard Brooks (April 10th 2014)

John Thackway (Mar 13th 2014)

Paul Gamston (Feb 13th 2014

Richard Wigham (Jan 9th 2014)

Noel Ramsey (Dec 5th 2013)

Malcolm Peters (Nov 14th 2013)

Andy McIntosh (“The Gospel in the 21st Century” - Oct 10th 2013)

Session 2012-2013

Wyn Hughes (June 13th 2013)

Rupert Bentley-Taylor (May 9th 2013)

Sandy Roger (April 11th 2013)

Gareth James (Mar 14th 2013)

Nick Fuller (Feb 14th 2013)

Glyn Williams (Jan 10th 2013)

Luke Jenner (Dec 6th 2012)

Chris Hand (Nov 8th 2012)

Richard Turner (Oct 11th 2012)

Session 2011-2012

David Carmichael (June 14th 2012)

Peter Stead (May 10th 2012)

Jeff Wright (April 19th 2012)  

Maurice Roberts (March 8th 2012)

David Harding (Feb 9th 2012)

Jonathan Bayes (Nov 10th 2011)

Geoff Thomas (“Revival - Our Desperate Need” - Oct 13th 2011)

Session 2010-2011

Hugh Collier (May 12th 2011)

Garry Rowcroft (April 14th 2011)

Gary McKee (March 10th 2011)

John Rubens (February 10th 2011)

Dan Peters (January 13th 2011)

Mark Ladds (December 9th 2010)

Gwynne Evans (November 18th 2010)

David Larmour (October 14th 2010)